By: Emmalee Wyatt
Missouri Scholars Action News, also known as MSAN, is a major at Missouri Scholars Academy 2019. At MSAN, media is produced for educational and humorous purposes. Creating articles, podcasts, videos, as well as maintaining a website and a social media page is MSAN’s job. How does this all get accomplished in the short time we have?
Class begins at 8:30. All the journalists gather and start to work on their choice of media for the day. Jon Gunasingham, or “G” as he’s known by his students, gives instruction and advice. For example, learning how to write in a journalistic view and how to use WeVideo to produce favorite YouTube videos. The journalists have heard from multiple guest speakers, including Nathan Vickers, a multimedia journalist, Tony Messenger, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and Jason Rosenbaum, a political reporter for a St. Louis public radio podcast. Through all the lessons and speakers, members of MSAN have sharpened their skills enough to begin to use software to create the productions and pieces followers love.
Throughout the morning, MSAN’s creators record audio, video, and conduct interviews. Covering both serious and comedic topics, overhearing laughter and talking from outside the room are common occurrences. For these 17 scholars, audio playing, the chatter around the room, and the collaborative playlist full of throwbacks playing in the background is just part of another day. In addition, chairs are constantly rolling to review articles or watch a newly produced video. Frustration with the website or other tech isn’t uncommon throughout the day. The MSAN staffs’ job doesn't end at 11:30 since the staff is conducting interviews and capturing photos and videos to compile for future articles.
While MSAN is full of hard workers, the journalists have fun as well. The freedom to write or produce what they desire allows talent to shine through the emerging authors and producers. Eating donuts and taking goofy pictures creates a sense of family throughout the room.
The work at MSAN is challenging, it provides opportunities for sharpening useful skills and expressing creativity. Whether laughing or clicking away, MSAN producers always have a great day!